Its A Good Blog, And its not like yours


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

16/03/2011 with ♥

My Apple 
Meet Abang hot : Faisal hadzmi 

Meet Nabil ;D

And well this is me :)

Syed Mehmet Niqual My Bro 

Ecal bersama kuman dan kumin , (Adek ben , sapetah) sorry

Eridin like this shop very muchmuch, right?

Pavi Food Court's

Hazirah Hamidi My Babyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

Alisya Fairuz, Hazirah Hamidi's Babyyyyyyyyyy :)

Ubaidullah Che Ya 

Idontknowwho :D

idkw with U.C.Y 

KLCC park

Tampal Plaster Kaki Sakit :'(

In the train, on our way home ♥ 
Seriously penat gila babih! and its was unforgettable moment sakit kaki (!)

Love Always Naja Raffee 

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